Sculpture Courses in Sevilla Summer,,es,carving course,,en,Sculpture courses,,es,molds courses,,pt,poliespan courses,,ca,exhibition sculpture,,es,Marcos Escultor,,es,modeling courses,,en,molds,,pt,Sculpture stone,,en,Seville courses sculpture,,es,wood,,en 2018, Stone, Wood, Moulds, Modeling, Expanded polystyrene

Este año los cursos de escultura transcurren en mi taller de Sevilla, con alumnado de todos los puntos de España, Ciudad Real, Barcelona, Cordoba, Sevilla, Malaga…y de Europa Italia, Inglaterra, Francia

Modeling clay of human body

15 December of 2012. During the 5th open days “Is part of the art” in the vacant lots of Seville, where you can breathe art.

April 2014 Open doors “It is part of the art”

Are the VII Conference doors open that we have entitled from the beginning as “It is part of the art” in them you'll find all the live art produced in Seville in the Centre of Seville... with artist, work with our hands and throwing many hours in this world of art,be it arts […]