Sculpture courses, July, August 2016 in Cabo de Gata (Almeria) Spain

How would you like to get to know the Cabo de Gato natural park while learning how to do (or improving your techniques in) clay-modelling, using moulds, wood-carving, stone-carving, and working in polystyrene?Well, now you can, if you sign up for the art andsculpture courses given by Marcos Dominquez Alonso, professional sculptor (see profile).With support […]


You can find the different courses that I will perform this year in Seville and Cabo de Gata (in summer),en la sección de Cursos y Talleres 2016 follow this link within the page Courses and Workshops

This year has been good

This year has been good, charges, lovely students and artists., although my mother and father have been through the hospital are already good and at home, clear the time you spend something it off to another and

Modeling clay of human body

15 December of 2012. During the 5th open days “Is part of the art” in the vacant lots of Seville, where you can breathe art.

Photo shoot in my Studio

I leave this magnificent selection of photos in my workshop in Seville, in the process of stone carving. I hope you like them.