There is less left to carve,,es,to model,,es,make sculpture,,es, modelar, hacer escultura

Hello, how are you doing?,,es,sure you want to hit the wood,,es,the stone,,es,re-model,,es,make molds,,es,sculptures in polystyrene,,es,In the workshop now I take the opportunity to carve ¨El Corazón ¨ in eucalyptus a very hard wood,,es,with a precious red beta,,es,and I'm going to fill the workshop with colors from,,es, seguro tenéis ganas de darle a la madera, la piedra, volver a modelar, hacer moldes,  esculturas en poliespan?

Yo en el taller ahora aprovecho para tallar ¨El Corazón ¨ en eucalipto una madera muy dura, con una beta roja preciosas, and the workshop I am going to fill with colors of the sea using a type of resins

on the floor, I'm going to show you very soon, to see what looks like them.

For the moment I leave you photos of the evolution of the Heart and how the base of the study will be.

See you soon, keep making art, drawing, modeling, Making photos….looking